This is an arm of our services that looks at the overall health, physical and mental fitness of employees to the job or assignment they may be assigned. Owing to the fact that every job has its own peculiar risk exposure, we have chosen not to use the popular stereotype health and fitness assessment protocol rather we use the bespoke protocol that look at fitness to work and at work through job specification. It is never a one style-fits-all approach.
This services in unit are very encompassing, it supports organisations from recruitment unto retirement or exits of employees using Pre-employment medical assessment, Intra health assessments, annual health assessments, scheduled and random drug and alcohol testing, Audiometric Assessment and noise mapping, food handler’s health assessment, chemical handler’s health assessment, driver’s annual health assessment and certification.
We measure employees health fitness in line with the task assigned, these two must match or be compactible in ensuring organisations achieve the following:
You can call in for FREE advisory services on the type of jobs you are assigning to your employees and the nature of assessment reasonable enough to get it optimally positioned in achieving the three items stated above.