The services in this unit have been designed to measure and assess health risk within the workplace. It is no longer a myth that every work type or workplace is characterised with peculiar risks, we must be able to identify their existence, measure the severity or levels of exposure and identify who is at risk. These are a great pre-requisite in determining mitigations and types of interventions necessary.
Using this skills inherent in this department, we carry our studies, workplace surveys, workplace health and safety audit, Industrial Hygiene Surveys and audits, ergonomics audit, risk assessment and we use the outcomes to create interventions capable of keeping both employees and employers safe in doing their jobs.
We also teach the act of safe work design and safe workplace architecture knowing that every change is not necessarily an improvement. We support organisations in all these and having implemented all mitigations and an accident is still recorded, we have First Aid Training also in this bouquet, ground ambulance transportation, local and international medical evacuation also.